Saturday, December 12, 2009

Been a while...

 So it's been brought to my attention that I haven't blogged in a while. Know that not many check it, but at the encouragement of my sister, here goes another one. Figured I'd talk a bit about my job. I love my job. I love the people I work with and I love fast pace of it all, (love the pay to, don't get it me wrong). So I found a few pictures to share, some are mine and some are not, (policy does not permit pictures, but sneaky, sneaky).

This is where I spend most of my time. My Store.

My grill tends to be cleaner, but this is my view for 8-10 hours a day.

People don't really know we have these, but requesting them chopped and put on a burger is very annoying

The 'not so' Secret menu, and even this isn't all that we can do

We have something called a flying dutchman. I ate this every day for 4 months straight, with a side of pickles mind you.

I am very proud that my company has hidden scripture everywhere. On bags, cups, straws, anything we can.

At the end of the day I come home tired, greasy, and smelling like beef...but I love my job. I get paid great money to 'flip' burgers all day and where I am in my life right now. I wouldn't have it any other way. (you know you love the half brim hats)